My fellow volunteer and co-member of the Board of Directors, Mar vista Community Council, gave birth yesterday to two beauties named Wesley and Bennett.
But you won't easily find them here:
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mar Vista Mom
Worth checking out Sarah's blogs and her many facets...she's a neighborhood engine of intelligence, good works and ideas.
Posted by Babak Nahid | Zone 1 Director | Member, Board of Directors | Mar Vista Community Council at 11:13 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Passover at your peril!
Every faith I know something about (and as a mutt from the Middle East, I know a bit of each of the major ones), has a lesson for those who fall outside of its core constituents.
Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus speak a lingua franca of faith and compassion as much they rile each other up with their Babel-like dissonance. They share more than they hold as exclusively their own. Jews and Muslims mirror each other in uncanny ways, for example, and their animosity (more political than it is religious) is like watching someone spit at the mirror.
Here's what one author gleans from Passover for humanity as a whole, Jew or Gentile!
Posted by Babak Nahid | Zone 1 Director | Member, Board of Directors | Mar Vista Community Council at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Appeal for the Homeless
Do Something Saturday
Project KengiKat Proudly presents
Operation Give Hope
Saturday March 14, 20096:00PM ~ 9:00PM
West Los Angeles Cold Weather Shelter
Gently used clothes for men and woman(big and tall sizes are welcome)Gently used shoes175 Do Something Kits(or items for Do Something Kits)Jackets, Coats, gloves, socks
If you are a restaurant in the Los Angeles area that can help providemeals for up to 175 homeless men and woman, we really could use yoursupport.
The West Los Angeles Cold Weather Shelter will be closing as of March15, 2009. The approximate 175 men and women who use the shelter as aplace to rest in the evenings will have no place to go for shelter.Our local area mission and shelters are already having a hard timehousing the current demand as more and more people are becominghomeless. Please help me support the men and women right here in theWest side by donating for this worthy cause.
Please contact

Posted by Babak Nahid | Zone 1 Director | Member, Board of Directors | Mar Vista Community Council at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mapping LA
LA Times new Mapping LA is an interesting and controversial interactive project to refresh the map of Los Angeles communities.
Mapping is an extremely powerful way to project power, whether in the Middle East or right here, in the local world of neighborhood councils. It helps determine identity, resources, and in some cases, even survival.
Here's Denis Wood in his book The Power of Maps, exploring how maps project and shape reality. And here's Arthur Jay in his book The Power of Projections: How Maps Reflect Global Politics and History.
Here is a spat on Mar Vista's map, led by Chuck Ray, an active Mar Vista resident involved in the Mar Vista Community Council, taking LA Times to task for ignoring the neighborhood council maps in its project.
Conclusion? Maps matter!
Posted by Babak Nahid | Zone 1 Director | Member, Board of Directors | Mar Vista Community Council at 2:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Crush Lovely: An invitation to dream
Posted by Babak Nahid | Zone 1 Director | Member, Board of Directors | Mar Vista Community Council at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Time Travelling in Mar Vista
The faces, the clothes, the haircuts, the buildings and the landscape are both familiar and strange.
What is it with old black and white photographs? No matter how mundane, they seem to cross our senses of memory and history to place us smack-dab in that moment.
Those who enjoy such time travel, should visit sites like Shorpy and Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog.
The images below come from USC Digital Archives which I found thanks to Mark Crawford of the Marvista Historical Society.
How we have changed...
The images above depict a mock bomb attack exercise in Mar Vista, taken by a Los Angeles Examiner photographer in the summer of 1951.
The last photograph, with the radio equipment, features Los Angeles City Councilman Harold Harby 1943-56 (standing with his bespectacled face turned away from the camera).
An ultra-conservative Democrat obsessed with the communist threat, Harby started and chaired the Harby Committee bent on "investigating" how Communism uses "modern" art to brainwash Americans.
A press-hungry sensationalist, Harby called modern art "stinkweed stuff" and attacked the whole idea of public housing as a "creeping cancer of socialism," helping to turn the LA city council into a right-wing cabal of sorts.
In fact, Harby was an instigator of the Los Angeles public housing war, one of the most vicious Red Scares of the domestic cold war. The Red Scare was used to cancel the ten-thousand-unit public housing contract with the federal government and to reverse city policy by toppling the pro–public-housing mayoral regime. Public housing's local defeats were circulated back to the national level, resulting in the demise of the program.
But Harby was much more than LA'a own McCarthy--he was also an inventor.
Oddly enough, there is an uncanny connection between his love of authoritarianism and censorship and his notions of animal husbandry.
Times Magazine reported that "In Los Angeles, Councilman Harold Harby invented a device to keep roosters from crowing by making it impossible for them to stretch their necks; when he tried it on a rooster, he found that it changed the crowing into a wail."
Little did Harby know that, despite the relentless attempts of folks like him to muzzle dissent and progress, the "wail" of the 60s and the subsequent revolution in American politics and culture were just around the corner.
Los Angeles Examiner Headline: "More than 500 Boy Scouts from Culver City, Palms, Mar Vista and Venice will clean debris from 10 miles of abandoned Pacific Electric right-of-way between La Cienega Blvd. and the ocean next Sat. Nov. 2"
Litterbug feature (Clean Community Crusade), 1957 Litterbug feature (Clean Community Crusade), 31 October 1957. Jimmy Kellogg -- 12 years; William Grissom -- 14 years; Larry Johnson -- 11 years; Karl Rundberg -- 11 years; John Davis -- 11 years; H.R. Garman.Caption slip reads: "Examiner. Date: 1957-10-31. Assignment: Clean Community Crusade. #7: More than 500 Boy Scouts from Culver City, Palms, Mar Vista and Venice will clean debris from 10 miles of abandoned Pacific Electric right-of-way between La Cienega Blvd. and the ocean next Sat. Nov. 2. Starting early in this phase of Los Angeles Beautiful's 'Clean Community Crusade,' are, l-r: Scouts William Grissom, 14; Jimmy Kellogg, 12; John Davis, 11; Scoutmaster H.R. Garman, and Scout Larry Johnson, 11".Caption slip reads: "Examiner. Date: 1951-10-31. Assignment: Clean Community Crusade. #61: More than 500 Boy Scouts from Culver City, Palms, Mar Vista and Venice will clean debris from 10 miles of abandoned Pacific Electric right-of-way between La Cienega Blvd. and the ocean next Sat. Nov. 2. Getting a head start on this phase of Los Angeles Beautiful's 'Clean Community Crusade,' are, l-r: Jimmy Kellogg, 12; William Grissom, 14; Larry Johnson, 11; City Councilman Karl Rundberg, and John Davis, 11".
Posted by Babak Nahid | Zone 1 Director | Member, Board of Directors | Mar Vista Community Council at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Our Brand New President!
Image courtesy of NY Times
Well, the nearly-impossible has finally happened: Our 44th President of the USA, Barack Obama.
Surely, this massively historic, unprecedented event merits pause from the usual cynicism and no-can-doisms to which we have become accustomed. Surely, it's time to pay fresh attention (the oblivious Vegas gamblers above not included).
We not only have an African-American President for the first time in our history, but he is, specifically, Barack Hussein Obama--by all counts a unique, complex, fascinating individual with more promise than perhaps any leader in recent history (no hyperbole intended).
And just in time, it seems, for many hundreds of millions here and around the world seem to have craved this very moment--and not all of them liberals or progressives.
It's as if the nation, and even the world, can finally exhale after eight years of holding its collective breath. An exaggeration, you say? I'm not so sure.
Some leaders give permission to the nation and its institutions to be arrogant, self-righteous, bigoted, stupid and greedy. We know them by sight, their profiles prominently listed in the black book of history.
Under President Obama, we now have permission to strive for better selves and a better world again, in every office, every boardroom, every classroom, every home and neighborhood. We have permission to be respected and held accountable regardless of our birth, wealth, or ideology. We have permission to give a damn for others, not just for ourselves.
Our world may seem more mangled and bedraggled today, but the newly inaugurated captain of our great ship of state seems sane, sharp, sober and humane. His principles seem fair, inclusive, based on ecumenical faith, mutual respect, even, dare I say, love.
Is this, as many right-wing pundits opined, an illusion, a projection of our childish desires onto a blank canvas called Obama?
Fair enough, it's a gamble.
Yet Obama's words are less jingoistic and far, far more inspirational than his predecessors for us wayward, cynical adults and--far more importantly--for our hope-starved children in this ransacked, rabid post-9/11 world.
And thankfully, Obama is no Ahab, red-eyed with narcissistic obsessions and drunk with psychopathic self-righteousness. We have had enough of those in our world.
Neither does Obama slur, swagger or spit. He's neither a fascist nor a fantasist nor a fool. He is as fallible as the the next man, but somehow his words, demeanor, presence and sincerity register something new, something that we haven't seen for a very long time, with all due respect to diehard Reaganites.
Is it wishful to think that far from sinking or running aground--with all hands on deck working under the command of a clear-eyed captain--our ship of state is poised to embark on its first golden journey of the new century?
Is Obama's promise a pie in the sky that will splatter on our face in a few months or years? Is this a silly, puerile liberal dream rightfully derided by the Limbaughs, Hannitys and O'Reilly's of our media?
There's always a chance that the cynics are right. But not if we:
- Proceed under the watchful eye of an emboldened and politically matured citizenry and an open, fearless press.
- Hold this administration accountable to its own declared principles..
- Maintain public vigilance over our government, with independent oversight over the activities of private-interest lobbies.
- Believe in ourselves and our neighbors and act accordingly, as we strive to change with a changed world.
- Recognize the unacceptable risks of returning to business as usual.
- Grant this optimism a chance to thrive and move us forward.
- And not if we think, first and last, of "our children's children."
Posted by Babak Nahid | Zone 1 Director | Member, Board of Directors | Mar Vista Community Council at 5:15 PM 0 comments