Sunday, May 4, 2008

“Neighbor Helping Neighbor”

Vote for BABAK NAHID Candidate, Zone 1 Director Mar Vista Community Council

Dear Neighbor,

I am seeking your vote so I can actively help protect and improve our community as the Zone 1 Director for Mar Vista Community Council (MVCC).

I am a 15-year resident of Westside Village in Mar Vista/Palms where my family and I live, work and volunteer. A UCLA alum, nonprofit management consultant and educator, I want to help improve quality of life for everyone by bringing my expertise to the Council.

My service to MVCC began years ago when my 8-year-old son and I attended a Council meeting to offer to help launch the beautification of Mar Vista Park. Thanks to many hands, today Mar Vista Park is the pride of our community.

Today, as an elected officer of the MVCC Santa Monica Airport Committee, I am working with MVCC, residents and Concerned Residents Against Airport Pollution to ensure a safer, healthier airport for all.

With your support, I will use my 15 years of public service (with the American Red Cross, UCLA, Doctors Without Borders and MVCC) to help make our neighborhood's future even brighter.

Elected or not, I’ll continue to offer a helping hand—this is my family’s neighborhood, where my son is growing up, where we walk our mutt Dodger, where my family and I work, play, shop and meet up with our friends and neighbors. If you elect and support me, however, I can be even more effective for our community.

My mission is to:
● Promote stronger safety and health standards for the whole community (traffic, crime, airport concerns etc.)
● Increase active participation of diverse stakeholders in the Council, including youth.
● Help celebrate and make visible our neighborhood's rich culture through festivals and other programs

● I will strive as a volunteer to listen to and consider all perspectives in my effort to improve quality of life for all residents.
● I will be honest, diligent, and civic-minded in everything I do for the benefit of the community as a Zone director.
● I am running to accomplish good things for our community. Rather than play politics or do many things poorly, I will try to focus on our priorities and my own strengths, so that by the end of my term I can proudly say, I helped—thanks to your support—make Mar Vista’s future even brighter.

Please share YOUR suggestions on how to improve our neighborhood. Take the 30-second poll and/or the 2-minute survey, email me, or post your concerns and ideas. Civic rules of conduct apply!

Election Day
Saturday June 21, 2008, 10 AM-4PM
Mar Vista Elementary School • 3330 Granville Blvd. • Los Angeles, CA 90066

Photo credit: I love history because if we listen carefully, it almost always speaks to the future. For example, this great archival image of the now-destroyed tram system in Mar Vista points to our future Metro line! (Courtesy of

Learn more about the Metro project here.


Keith L

We are looking forward to your contributions and help on the MVCC Board. Zone 1 luckily has a strong Candidate this time. For a pleasant change Zone 6 has four candidates. Wow.

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